Sunday, May 8, 2011

Man Hammers Berlin Wall

The picture by John Gaps III (1989) of the man hammering the Berlin Wall proves that there are joyous goodbyes. The man is literally and figuratively breaking down the wall that prevented him from having a free life. The man understands that many new possibilities await him beyond the wall that he is tearing down. The Berlin Wall separated Germany into two different sectors after the Russians erected it in 1961 (Duiker 765). East Germany was controlled by Soviet Russia, and therefore was subjected to suppressive communist rule. On the other hand, West Berlin was free and democratic and enjoyed the luxuries of the Western world (Duiker 726).  This man is now very happy because he can do whatever he would like. He is also free to visit family that lives on the other side of the wall. Many citizens appreciated this new freedom. 

With every goodbye, there is always a hello. While the man is saying goodbye to a life of communism, loneliness, and ignorance; he is saying hello to a new uplifting life of freedom. Goodbyes are about moving forward in one’s life. One cannot progress in life without saying goodbye to something. There are simple goodbyes such as parting with your beloved toy, but there are also bigger goodbyes such as leaving home to go to college. Goodbyes, whether they be good or bad, move us along to the different stages in our life. 

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